
Teralco Lab

Combat speech difficulties using AI 
The LARA Project, developed by students of the IES Severo Ochoa
The Traceparent project: from sustainable innovation to a real product
We have already spoken to you on more than one occasion about...
Teralco Group allies with Innuba to continue betting on social innovation
At Teralco Group we are very aware of our commitment to build...
SaludableMente Initiative: For a healthier year
It may be that among your New Year's resolutions was...
Open Source Jam: A way to fuel passion for technology
On February 4 and 5 we organized together with Interacso...
Teralco Group launches the Happyyou app with rapper Arkano and Conducteam
Happyou is a simple and intuitive application, focused on...
The solution for traceability of waste: Traceparent
Being a technology company, we have the opportunity to create products...
SafeMapp, our start-up that is conquering Europe
At Teralco Group we work and embark more and more...
The technological trends for companies that have succeeded in 2022
Technological advances do not cease and more and more companies are...
The 5 reasons why your business needs RPA
If you have come this far, it is because you are wondering if...