
Teralco Group

Emerging trends in consulting for digital transformation: automation
Social innovation through data analytics
Smurfit Kappa Ibi evolves its production system to offer more efficient and sustainable packaging solutions
Smurfit Kappa Ibi is a leading company in the sector...
What is a CRM and how it helps companies
What is a CRM? CRM stands for Customer...
Why invest in dashboards for decision making?
Have a workspace that provides you with data...
The Traceparent project: from sustainable innovation to a real product
We have already spoken to you on more than one occasion about...
Teralco Group allies with Innuba to continue betting on social innovation
At Teralco Group we are very aware of our commitment to build...
SaludableMente Initiative: For a healthier year
It may be that among your New Year's resolutions was...
Open Source Jam: A way to fuel passion for technology
On February 4 and 5 we organized together with Interacso...
Teralco Group launches the Happyyou app with rapper Arkano and Conducteam
Happyou is a simple and intuitive application, focused on...
These are the trends in Data for 2023 according to Teralco Group
Data analysis is one of the trends that...