Data consulting

What is data consulting?

Take advantage of the data value chain, from obtaining to the result. Discover your universe of data and the power to transform it into smart technology. Through a analytical data consulting, specialized in extensive data analysis, guarantees the quality of the technological development of your project.

Entrust this to professionals with experience in data processing to increase efficiency and to be able to efficiently take advantage of all the possibilities that this information offers you to facilitate daily work, minimizing errors and allowing human efforts to be dedicated to other actions.

The data can support the department that has a specific need, from company management decision making to customer loyalty thanks to the information we collect from them throughout their life cycle.

You can customize specific actions, improve strategies and even improve the management of market demand, anticipating the actions that your clients and future clients may have thanks to the power of data consulting.

Business Intelligence
Make the digital transformation of your company with us. We respond to market demands and offer innovative technological solutions. Thanks to our experience in Big Data consulting and analytical consulting, we make a difference by providing decisive analysis that contributes to an effective management of your company's universe of data.

Solutions to get your business off the ground

Knowing the information in detail and knowing what to do with it is key to solving many of the common problems in the business world. Some of the problems that you can solve thanks to data consulting are the following:

Big Data & BI Consulting

With Big Data consulting, we make sure that the technological steps we take are aligned with your business objectives.

Big Data & Cloud

The creation and deployment of Sandbox allows effective and fast treatment of your universe of data.

visual analytics

We optimize the interpretation of data in real time and project a visualization of the universe of your company.


We treat, unify and integrate the different systems of the organization to facilitate a joint vision of the business, without technical and/or technological barriers.

Data Science

We analyze your data and your business to guide it towards a more efficient model, based on prediction algorithms and machine learning.

Data Driven Management

We carry out implementations and advice on your project to reduce risks, ensuring efficient transformation and data transfer.

The key to success is in your data
Digital transformation is a more strategic decision than a technological one, therefore the first step must be an analytical consultancy, so that the technological steps we take are aligned with the business objectives of your company.

Our methodology

It is not only important to know what we do, but knowing how we do it is key to understanding our way of working and our professionalism with each of the challenges that we solve digitally thanks to technology, knowledge and the people who are part of our equipment.

FOCUS | Teralc | Technological consulting - Digital transformation for companies


We carry out a 360º review

of the strategy and processes of

current business. we redefine

the objectives, KPI's and the

process roadmap.


We stabilize, reorder and

we improve the data

business transactions.

We optimize the Cloud, ERP,

CRM, BI BPM, etc.


Through analytical consulting

advanced, modeling

predictive and tools

attractive display,

we value the data

for decision making.


The data is completed with

external databases that

add value to the business

creating an advantage

competitive and improving

decision process.


We help teams

managers to transform the

business culture and

consolidate the changes

digital transformation

Teralc | Technological consulting - Digital transformation for companies


We made a

360º review of the

strategy and processes

of current business.

We redefine the

objectives, KPI's

and the roadmap of



We stabilize,

we rearrange and

we improve the data

transactions of the

business. we optimize

the Cloud, ERP, CRM,

BI BPM, etc.



Through consulting

advanced analytics,

predictive modeling

and tools

attractive display,

we value the

data for taking




The data is completed

with databases

external companies that contribute

value to business

creating an advantage

competitive and improving

the decision process.


We help the

management teams

to transform the

corporate culture

and consolidate the

changes of the 

digital transformation

Projects that guarantee our success

Data preparation for the development of Machine Learning models, reports and analytical support for the Customer Intelligence area.
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Data analysis to obtain an integrated vision of the customer experience and obtain traceability from the reservation to the post-stay surveys.
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Online tool integrated with your own communications and commercial systems, to view information in an agile and detailed way.
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Data analytics to have a unified view of customers.
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Discover which sectors we have helped promote

Digitize, automate and direct simple and complex processes to reduce costs in the industry sector.

Meet your objectives hand in hand with technology, whether you are a bank, an insurance company or a finance company.

Get the basic functions of your company with a technology partner to automate your business processes.

Chase them new horizons for the real estate and construction sector under a framework of technological and digital support.

Build customized solutions thanks to intelligent platforms to materialize your ideas.

Manage and control sales channels, logistics, products and much more to successfully reach the end customer.

Do you want to know more about data consulting?

Data consulting, also known as data analytics, refers to the process of discovering, interpreting, and communicating meaningful patterns and insights from data sets. Analytical consulting provides a systematic way of examining data to obtain valuable information that can be used in making decisions and improving results in various areas.

Data consulting encompasses different types of data analysis, including:

descriptive analysis

It consists of summarizing and describing the data to understand its composition and characteristics. This involves the use of statistical measures and visualization techniques to summarize and present the data in a meaningful way.

Predictive analytics

It is used to make predictions or estimates about future events or behavior. It relies on statistical models and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and trends in historical data and
apply them to new scenarios.

prescriptive analysis

It focuses on providing optimal recommendations and actions to address problems or maximize results. Combine historical data, predictive models, and optimization algorithms to make informed decisions.

Analytics tools

There are various tools and technologies available to perform data analysis, ranging from spreadsheets and relational databases to more advanced software solutions. Some of the popular tools include Excel, SQL, Python, R, Tableau, Power BI, and Apache Hadoop.

Data sources

Data consulting can be used on a wide variety of data sources, such as transactional data, social media data, event logs, sensor data, mobile app data, and more. This data can be structured (as tables in
a database) or unstructured (such as free text, images or videos).

Data Analysis Life Cycle

Data analysis follows a life cycle that includes several stages, such as problem definition, data collection and preparation, selection of analysis techniques, model implementation, interpretation of data, etc.
results and communication of findings.

Analytics Applications

Analytics has applications in a wide range of industries and functional areas. Some examples include business analytics, market analysis, risk management, healthcare, logistics, digital marketing, cyber security, scientific research, and more. Analytics helps optimize processes, make data-based decisions, identify opportunities for improvement, and anticipate trends and changes.

Challenges and considerations

Analytics also presents challenges, such as data quality, privacy and security, the correct interpretation of the results and the adoption of recommendations in decision making. It is essential to have professionals trained in analytics and to follow good practices in data management and in the application of analytical techniques.