
Women lead the technology sector in Spain

Gender inequality is still a reality that we have to face in 2019. According to data from the Spanish National Statistics Institute, women currently represent 45% of the overall workforce in Spain; female unemployment is over 18% compared to 15% in men; women fill more than 70% of part time jobs, have lower pensions, and despite being better trained they fill fewer managing roles and earn on average 29% less than men.

However it is not all bad news. Thanks to changes in education, culture, business insights and the evolution of legislation, important steps are being made to achieve true equality in the Spanish job market. Currently the technology sector in Spain is led by women, who are in senior management roles in benchmark companies including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, HP and Linkedin.

Inequality, sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex in the workplace have serious consequences for employee security and the development of business activity. Companies are an important social agent in which continuous professional and personal relationships take place, and their management should be in line with the needs and demands of society.

A plan for equality

In Teralco Group we have launched a strategic plan and in 2018 we introduced our first Gender Equality Plan that will be in force until 2020, following the guidelines defined in Spanish Organic Law 3/2007. This plan emerges with the aim to prevent and visualise the possible behaviour that could infringe the dignity, consideration and respect of company personnel.

The value of equality will set the direction of human resource policies and internal and external communication from our business during the next four years, and will be incorporated throughout the company to achieve and maintain effective equal opportunities for women and men.

Finding the balance

Companies have the responsibility to look for solutions and offer programs for the reconciliation of work and family life as key steps to normalise the equality between men and women. The Work and Family Reconciliation Policies in Teralco Group mean that our workers benefit from flexible work conditions that adapt to each individual so they can find their balance between work and family life:

We share our hope for equality

We are making our commitment public with an aim to support and maintain services that are respectful towards the dignity, individual freedom and essential rights of everyone that is part of our organisation. We share our hope for equality and we encourage all of out staff to actively take part in the process.

We consider our Gender Equality Plan and Work and Family Reconciliation Policies to be an important step in the modernisation of our company, that will produce an internal organisation and external relationships that are free from gender discrimination, contributing to social improvement and to achieve true and effective gender equality.

These measures create a relaxed, fun, and above all respectful work environment in Teralco Group. For more information about our business values, and the services and products we offer, fill in our contact form.

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